
Conversion Rate Optimization Case Study: 53% increase in sales

Results: 53% increase in sales and 381% increase in EBIDTA.

One of our clients, a family owned online apparel company, invested in A/B testing and website user experience optimization based on our recommendations which resulted in increase in year over year sales of 53% and EBIDTA of 381%.  Let’s look at how these results were achieved.

  • Menu item: We did A/B testing on the primary menu on the home page of the website. The original menu was disorganized and did not take the shopper directly to the inventory appropriate for which they were shopping.  A/B testing multiple primary menu bar layouts with a final layout resulting in 36% increase of shoppers moving past the home page to a products’ page.
  • Home page products layout.  There were zero product images on the home page to draw the customer into shopping.  We took some of their top selling products and A/B tested various layout options.  The final revision increased the home page click through by 79% which was a 2.78% higher conversion rate over the control.
  • We made the website mobile responsive
  • Subcategories of products: When a customer landed on the overall products page for male and female, all products were listed requiring the customer to go through dozens of pages to vew 100s of product items.  We implemented product subcategories on the general menu in addition to the landing page for each male and female designated products page.

If you would like to find out more about conversion rate optimization, then reach out to us via our contact form.


Smart Ideas. For Free.

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Junior SEO Specialist

Ann Jennith Fernandez

Junior SEO Specialist

Putting The Extra In Extraordinary Visibility.

Ann began her professional career as a customer service representative. After outgrowing that position, she worked as a Virtual Assistant for a logistics and real estate company. Her keen interest in technology and natural ability to apprehend technological concepts and systems brought her to the RTL team. Ann’s work ethic and firm knowledge of SEO are greatly appreciated.

When she’s not working her SEO magic for our clients, she enjoys watching movies, reading great books, and spending time with family and friends.

Ann holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems.