Enhance Website Performance

Living With COVID As A Co-Pilot: Plugins That Enhance Website Performance When You Need It Most

Smart Ways To Make Your Website Work Harder When You Have To Keep Your Distance

One benefit of choosing an open platform like WordPress for your website is that there are millions of other people who encounter the same challenges as you. And often, you discover that someone else has already come up with a solution for a problem, so you don’t have to invest in a lot of custom code to have your website perform as you want it to.That’s especially important now, when you have to make your website harder than ever, thanks to the pandemic.

There are millions of WordPress plugins and widgets (some created by our own developers), each designed to address a specific coding issue. And some of the latest ones can do remarkable things. Here are some of our latest favorites.

Language: Need an on-the-fly translation of your website to reach customers in other countries. Then check out Weglot Translate, which takes advantage of Google Translator to provide solid, effective translations any time you need them. Weglot Translate has a dashboard to edit translations or to let you outsource to professional translators, to ensure that your translations are of the highest quality.

Disability: Userway is an accessibility widget that will change font sizes or styles, allow keyboard navigation, or put extra highlights on links if you reader needs visual or audio help. It sits to one side as a symbol that can be accessed when needed, but is unobtrusive for readers who don’t need it.

Geomarketing: CF Geo allows you to have full geo control of your WordPress. CF Geo Plugin gives you ability to attach content, geographic information, geo tags, Google Maps to posts, pages, widgets and custom templates.

Analytics: ExactMetrics Google Analytics helps you properly setup all the powerful Google Analytics tracking features you need without writing any code or hiring a developer.

Backup: BackUpWordPress will back up your entire site including your database and all your files on a schedule that suits you.

Speed: W3 Total Cache (W3TC) improves the SEO and user experience of your site by increasing website performance and reducing load times.

Anti-Spam: Askimet has been around for a while, but it keeps improving and helps with the battle against spam from an ever-increasing list of nefarious sources.

RTL Digital Media continually watches developments in plugins and widgets for our clients’ websites so that we can suggest ways to add performance—and save money. If you have a question about website capabilities, or if you’ve run into an obstacle with programming that you haven’t be able to solve, reach out to us. Chances are, we know where to find—or create—a solution.


Smart Ideas. For Free.

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Junior SEO Specialist

Ann Jennith Fernandez

Junior SEO Specialist

Putting The Extra In Extraordinary Visibility.

Ann began her professional career as a customer service representative. After outgrowing that position, she worked as a Virtual Assistant for a logistics and real estate company. Her keen interest in technology and natural ability to apprehend technological concepts and systems brought her to the RTL team. Ann’s work ethic and firm knowledge of SEO are greatly appreciated.

When she’s not working her SEO magic for our clients, she enjoys watching movies, reading great books, and spending time with family and friends.

Ann holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems.