To blog or not to blog

Why ignoring creating blog content for your business is stupid.

Writing content for your business isn’t hard!  Ok, maybe that is stretching it a bit.  Writing content can be a bit of a workout on the mental muscle.  Coming up with your content, keyword research, writing it and deploying it isn’t as easy as it sounds.  BUT DON’T GIVE UP!

Effective business blog content can increase website traffic by 55%. Increased traffic means increased business.

Combine effective blogging with a website that has a strong conversion rate and you are bound to grow your client base! Content creation is critical to building your business.

Ok, so let’s get back to what you are thinking… blogging can be a bit overwhelming.  To make the process a bit easier,  I thought I would share a few tips for blogging for business.

  • Don’t write for keywords: SEO is vital to your website; but the trick to writing content that positively impacts SEO revolves your content having an impact on its readers.   Effective and impactful  content educates and entertains customers.  No longer does it do any good to write vigorously around a set of keywords.  In fact, it might actually work against you.  In years past, it paid to have a certain weighting of keywords, but now google looks at how customers responds to your content.  Are they finding what they need?  Is it leading them to stay longer on your website because they start reading other content?
  • Be unique! When blogging first became hip then the philosophy was to blog, blog, blog….even if you did not have anything to say.  WRONG! BAD BLOGGER! BAD, BAD BLOGGER!  Write only when your company has a message to convey and make it POWERFUL!  Content remains king only when done right.  Everyone of your competitors are blogging their hearts out; you are just a blip on the writing radar unless you make yourself stand out.
  • Write with a bit of reckless abandon for rules. Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t believe in rules.  In fact, I believe rules were made for me to brake them (except when there is a police officer involved).  Growing up, English teachers pounded into our heads to write from a formal tone. We slaved away and lost our personalities in our writing voice years ago.  That terrible time in history has changed and personality finally pays off in content writing.   The tone in your office should come out in your writing.  Having fun, make light jokes and put your customers at ease.  Customers want to know the human or CEO behind the brand.Ceo Image1

When done right, content creation can be very powerful and very fun to watch the impact it has on your business’s brand.  Marketing managers grab your spreadsheets, develop your content calendar and get to writing!

Need a marketing department to help you create content?  RTL Digital media has a snappy writing team waiting to help you out!


Smart Ideas. For Free.

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Junior SEO Specialist

Ann Jennith Fernandez

Junior SEO Specialist

Putting The Extra In Extraordinary Visibility.

Ann began her professional career as a customer service representative. After outgrowing that position, she worked as a Virtual Assistant for a logistics and real estate company. Her keen interest in technology and natural ability to apprehend technological concepts and systems brought her to the RTL team. Ann’s work ethic and firm knowledge of SEO are greatly appreciated.

When she’s not working her SEO magic for our clients, she enjoys watching movies, reading great books, and spending time with family and friends.

Ann holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems.