Why marketing and marriage look exactly alike when done right!

Every week we talk about how marketing can impact your business and what marketing done right looks like.  This week I thought I would give you a bit of a litmus test to be able to measure your marketing efforts up against it!  When I sat down to write this blog, I realize the litmus test could really reflect a healthy long term relationship!  With that said, here you go:

Meeting your audience where they are:

As business owners, we love to talk about our features and services on the platforms we want to talk about them on.  Most of the time, we end up only talking to ourselves and not our prospects. We need to meet our customers exactly where they are.  Are they on facebook, twitter, or do they communicate via email?  Ideally, you would cover all platforms, but if you are limited on resources then find out where they are and market to them on that platform accordingly.  Just like in a good relationship, you have to get the conversation going in order to the build a lasting relationship.

Talk about what our customers want to talk about:

A key to getting the conversation going and building trust is talking about what customers and prospects need to talk about.  It today’s world, customers are educating themselves before making a decision.  Want to know what they are talking about?  Here is a quick and dirty plan on how to develop a content calendar that will get your prospect’s talking to you:

    • Research your competition that is currently serving most of your industry’s marketshare. What are they talking about?
    • Join discussion groups where your prospect are and listen to what they are saying
    • Start writing and use Google Analytics to see how they are responding. Check out these google analytic tips to know how to read the data you are gathering.
    • Adjust your content plan accordingly and get your content on the platforms your customer base is spending their time on.

Be forthright and open about problems:

Customers value transparency. Be open and honest when you have a defect with your product once you have identified it.  Not only acknowledge it in a blog or newsletter, but reach out to your customer base and offer to fix the product they purchased.  Honestly builds trust!  Want to hear customers sing your praises?  Proactively fixing a problem with customers quickly and efficiently is a great way to get them chatting your great customer service.

No really, don’t talk about yourself.

Ok, I am not saying never to talk about yourself, but don’t talk about yourself more than 30% of the time when communicating with customers.  Don’t post only your blogs on your social platforms.  When you blog, talk about the industry and customers, don’t push your service or product on them in every post.  Be OTHERS focused.  Like I said, a lot like a romantic partnership!  Being others focused is a great way to build a long term loyalty in any relationship.

I can personally vouch for the fact that until my partner, Steve, and I get on the same page with what are the issues are between us, we aren’t communicating.  We have to identify and understand each other’s needs in order to start working together to make us stronger….much like relationships with prospects.  Understanding your prospects will give you the wisdom to know how to communicate to them.  Communication is required to having a long term relationship that results in sales and brand recognition.  Are you communicating WITH your prospects?


Smart Ideas. For Free.

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Junior SEO Specialist

Ann Jennith Fernandez

Junior SEO Specialist

Putting The Extra In Extraordinary Visibility.

Ann began her professional career as a customer service representative. After outgrowing that position, she worked as a Virtual Assistant for a logistics and real estate company. Her keen interest in technology and natural ability to apprehend technological concepts and systems brought her to the RTL team. Ann’s work ethic and firm knowledge of SEO are greatly appreciated.

When she’s not working her SEO magic for our clients, she enjoys watching movies, reading great books, and spending time with family and friends.

Ann holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems.